Thursday, 20 February 2014

Literacies for open practice: open up and say OER?

A presentation at Bloomsbury TEL event on Digital Literacy for Teaching and Research, 19 February 2014, at the Institute of Education, University of London.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leo - I just found my way to this blog post via your G+ post -- many thanks for sharing this. As I know from our interactions on Twitter, we are working in a similar space and I hope that we can catch up some time. Will you be at OER15 next week, by any chance? I'll be there, and will give a very short 'lightning talk' about my current research -- open educational practices in HE. Funnily enough, I also have recently cited the quote by David Wiley that you use here (slide 9) in exploring the complexities of openness -- it is a slippery concept, but so important.

    Anyway, just wanted to make contact and to check to see if you might be at OER15 next week. Thanks :)
